Massachusetts Historical Society

Past 会议

For more than two decades, 马萨诸塞州历史学会一直在举办各种主题的学术会议. 这些图书馆包括约翰·亚当斯和托马斯·杰斐逊的图书馆, to Transcendentalism, Boston's business community before the Civil War, the city's environmental history, and recent immigration to the U.S.

Presenters come from throughout the U.S. and are leading scholars in their respective fields. 经常, 会议的高潮是论文的出版,这些论文来自该计划,并代表了对历史学术的持久贡献. Past conferences include:



July 14 - 16, 2022

View conference program below or 下载PDF.

View full conference schedule.



In recent decades, 学者们发掘并重新讲述了经历了美国政治形成的形形色色的人物的故事. 这种急需的纠正,打破了富有的白人男性革命者反抗白人男性主导的帝国政府的传统叙事. 在《利记手机官网》发表250周年之际,我们提供了一个机会,来强调和分享利记APP官网手机版美国革命中未被充分代表的声音这一主题的最新学术成果,无论是来自美国原住民的观点, 女性, African Americans, 支持者, ethnic and religious minorities, 孩子们, 或者在一场以代表权问题为核心的全球战争中保持中立. 本次会议将汇集学者探讨与历史上的个人或团体相关的广泛主题,而不是传统上在讨论美国革命时代.

会议和研讨会将于2022年7月14日至16日在波士顿的萨福克大学和马萨诸塞州历史学会举行. 小组讨论和演讲将于7月14日至15日举行,教师讲习班将于7月16日举行. 看到 the lineup of academic panels below.

Conference Steering Committee:

K-12教师工作坊:审视18世纪对公民身份的理解, 自由, and Representation through the Life and Legacy of Prince Hall

Registration still available! 注册参加教师研讨会(包括参加第一天和第二天的活动) 在这里.

K-12教育工作者被邀请参加周六的会议和为期一天的教师研讨会, 7月16日, led by keynote scholar Prof. Chernoh Sesay, master teachers, and MHS education staff.

研讨会参与者将在7月14日至15日参加他们选择的四场会议. On Saturday the 16th, 学者和K-12教育工作者将聚集在一起进行非正式讨论,将会议期间出现的主题与随后的教师研讨会的内容利记手机官网起来. Leveraging the expertise of both scholars and teachers, we will identify important takeaways from the conference, 反思当前K-12课堂奖学金的可及性, 并讨论向学生介绍会议主题的最佳实践. Patrick O'Brien (Kennesaw State University), a scholar and former K-12 teacher, will facilitate this important discussion. Breakfast will be served.

接下来的课程包括:(1)教授对主要资料的介绍. Sesay; (2) a presentation by master teachers from Grade 5 and high school of instructional materials they have developed centered on primary sources from MHS collections; and (3) opportunities for participants to develop their own materials in collaboration with fellow educators and scholars.

教育工作者将有机会获得45个pdp或2个研究生学分(需额外付费)。. 学分要求包括在7月14日和15日参加4次以上的会议(view conference schedule 在这里), 7月16日的教师工作坊,并完成项目课程. Participation in this workshop is limited to K-12 educators. Participation in this workshop is limited to K-12 educators.

Email questions about the workshop to


Virtual 2020 Conrad E. Wright 研究 Conference

“不得否认”:第十五和第十九修正案在其批准一百五十周年和一百周年之际, 10月12日至16日, 2020

View Conference Program below or 下载PDF:

As a result of ongoing public health concerns, 马萨诸塞州历史学会改变了原定于2020年10月举行面对面会议的计划. Rather than meeting for two days of sessions, we will host the conference panels online between Monday, 12 October and Friday, 16 October 2020. 原定的主题讨论会将推迟到安全的情况下,在卫生部举行.

2020年是美国宪法两项重要修正案的纪念日. Spaced fifty years apart, the Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments, ratified in 1870 and 1920, 分别, 禁止以种族或性别为由剥夺美国公民的选举权. 然而,修正案并没有阻止各州采取其他歧视方法. 这两个时期和修正案被视为两个不同运动的产物,一个是废奴主义和内战,另一个是进步运动和第一次世界大战,这两个时期和修正案通常不会被放在一起考虑. 这次会议回顾了美国历史上为非洲裔美国人和妇女争取投票权的漫长历程. 它考虑了每项修正案面临的法律先例和障碍, the meaning and uneven outcomes of each, the social context that allowed for ultimate ratification, 关键个人和群体在这些各自背景下的作用, and how each amendment has been remembered over time.

At a later date, a keynote panel will feature feature Profs. 艾莉森·米. 帕克(特拉华大学)和丽莎·特洛特(卡内基梅隆大学),并将由教授主持. Alex Keyssar (Harvard).

Other past conferences:

的 Future of History (2016)



What's New about the New Immigration to the U.S.? Traditions and Transformations since 1965 (2011)

Margaret Fuller and Her Circles (2010)


I-CHORA 3:记录和档案史国际会议(2007)



Women, War, Work: American Women and the U.S. Military in the Twentieth Century (2004)

"Spires of Form": 的 Emerson Bicentennial Conference (2003)

For information about earlier conference programs, please contact Cassandra Cloutier, 研究 Coordinator, at 617-646-0577 or

